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Our yearbook staff is diligently working on the full color 2024-2025 yearbook. It is our intention to keep the cost of purchasing a yearbook as low as possible while producing a high quality book.

Today we begin our Yearbook Ad campaign that will run through Friday, March 28th. This is a great way to help us defray the cost of the yearbook. All ads will be in FULL COLOR and may only be submitted in JPEG or PNG form. Business Ads may be purchased in your choice of 4 sizes. Our 8th grade parents may dedicate a page or portion of a page to your graduating 8th grade student.

The details about ad sizes and prices can be found below. Please feel free to email Mrs. Graham, yearbook advisor, at with any questions.

Thank you for your support!

The ad size choices are below:
___ business card ad $20
___ ¼ page ad $30
___ ½ page ad $50
___ full page ad $100 (Ad should be at least 2625 x 3374 pxl)

Yearbook Advertisements

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